Christmas 2015

Dear Blake,

The other day it was Christmas and it was the first Christmas that you really understood what was going on and that you can ask Santa for presents!  You and I made a list of all the things you wanted and then we sent Santa a letter.  You saw Santa a couple of times and you went right up to him and sat on his lap and told him what you wanted.  On Christmas Eve we went to Papa and Gigi’s house and had Christmas with them.  On Christmas morning you were very excited to go downstairs and see that Santa had come!  He brought you that bowling ball and lunchtime creations playdoh you wanted!  What a great thing to see all that magic happen!



Bear Hotel

Dear Blake,

Every year we go to the “bear hotel” which is Stoney creek inn in Moline IL.  It has become a tradition since we have gone for several years now!  You especially love the bear elevator because when it gets to the top floor there is a mural of a family of bears.  We ride up and down the elevator watching for the Bears.  There is a cool pool where you can swim under the wall to the outside and then swim back under for the inside.  We go eat at this great restaurant called the machine shed.  There is a cute children’s museum with lots of gongs to play with.  I look forward to going on this trip every year.  It’s especially fun to watch you love it too!




Preschool Christmas program

Dear Blake,

This week was your preschool Christmas program!  You did such a great job of singing!  You sang every word!  You knew all the words and motions and movements.  After you sang, Santa came and said “Ho, Ho, Ho,” from the balcony and all the kids freaked out!  Then Santa came and sat to take pictures with all the kids.  I am so lucky to be able to come to things like this and see you.  I was there with Papa and Gigi and TT and Owen.  You are a very lucky boy to be able to do things like this!

I love you,


Seeing Santa 2015

Dear Blake,

Every year is exciting to watch you at Christmastime but this year is especially exciting because you are very aware of what is going on and taking in all that is around you.  This is the first year that you fully understand who Santa is and what our Elf on the shelf does and how you know what to ask for Christmas.  We even made a list this year!  You knew exactly what you wanted:

  1. Lunchtime creations (Playdoh)
  2. Bowling ball (green)
  3. Paw Patrol guys
  4. Disney Tsum Tsums
  5. Books
  6. Brown playdoh (no one could find it until Papa and Gigi bought you a set that had brown playdoh in it)
When we went to the mall to see Santa, you were not afraid at all!  You went right up to him and sat on his lap and started telling him what you wanted for Christmas.  I could not believe you were not afraid this year!  This is how I know you are growing up.  You understand what we told you about Santa bringing you presents and you told him what you wanted.  So neat to watch.  I love you so much and I can’t wait to watch you light up as you open up these very important items from your list from us and from Santa!